carol2b-50-f1.jpg (15977 bytes)
1. C askew
2. R rounded, short start line
3. O big inside, thin types
4. Beard clear lines
5. Longer top of 5
6. Wide meander
7. Rounded
(Big ear, lines in neck, etc)
carol2b-50-f2.jpg (16760 bytes)
1. C askew, thin at bottom
2. Bowed leg of R
3. Pointed
4. Black eye - ugly ear - square beard
5-6. No dot & line
carol2b-50-f3.jpg (16266 bytes)
1. Big types
2. Too thin
3. Too big
4. Thin head, pointed nose
5. Big numbers
7. Rounded

carol2b-50-f4.jpg (17196 bytes)
1. Small head of C
2. Big head of R
3. Pointed inner room of O
4. Square ear, dot as eye
5. Changed 5 - long top line
6. Long foot
7. Rounded
cincideciforg.bmp (54014 bytes)
Rough drawing