Three characteristics:
Big Coat of arms (T1)arms1.jpg (12106 bytes) Small Coat of arms (T2)arms2.jpg (10962 bytes)
Simple ornament  Ornament with lines  
Big D (6x6mm)   Small D (5x4mm)  
P1 etc is Michel, CP1 etc is CMR A big thank you to Ioan Catana, whom I learnt & borrowed much from

ESSAYS & Projects

1873, june (white carton) july (brown carton)
Big coat of arms. Simple ornament. Big D. 140x90 mm.
Carta de Posta. 2 lines of subtitles. Instructions in one heading and 5 rows.

P1  (CP1)   5B dark blue, white carton
P2  (CP3)   5B dark blue, brown carton
ps1873.jpg (12803 bytes)
P3  (CP2)   5B + 5B dark blue, white carton   (Question part + Answer part)
P4  (CP4)   5B + 5B dark blue, brown carton  (Question part + Answer part)
Surcharge R.P. (respons platit) (2 copies known)

1873, september. Small coat of arms. Ornament a or b. Big D. 140x90 mm.

P5  (CP5)   5B dark blue, yellow carton
ornament a                                  ornament b
P6  (CP6)   5B + 5B dark blue, yellow carton

1875, february. Small arms. Ornament a. Big or small D. No subtitles. 140x90 mm.
In 1st row of instructions: "vendu Particularilor" in 4th row: "plateste"

P7  (CP7)   5B dark blue, yellow carton
5bblueth1.jpg (6801 bytes)                        
P8  (CP8)   5B + 5B dark blue, yellow carton

1876, september as CP 7-8, but "vindu particularilor" and platesce". 140x90 mm.
Ornament a or b, big or small D.

P9  (CP9)   5B dark blue, yellow carton
1876-5bblue-2.jpg (7957 bytes)
P10  (CP10)   5B + 5B dark blue, yellow carton

1877, october. New colour. Imperforated or perforated at right + upside or downside. New heading.   .

P11   (CP11)   5B reddish brown, off white carton  118x82mm  (Imperforated)
P12  (CP12)   5B  reddish brown, thinner white carton  134x93mm  (Perforated)
lot19-2.jpg (9892 bytes) Pair

1878 new title: CARTA POSTALA

P13  (CP13a)   5B blue, light pink carton   Lower right: Tiraju 1878
5bblue1878-2.jpg (4752 bytes)
(CP13b)   5B blue, light pink carton   Lower right: Tiraju

1879/80. Without instructions.      147 x 105 mm

1879 = light pink carton 1880= dark pink carton
P14a    (CP14)   5B black   (2 or 3 sides perforated)

P14b     (CP14a)  5B black imperforated
(CP14b)  5B black sheet of 8, separated by perforations
P14a    (CP14)   5B black   (2 or 3 sides perforated)

P14b     (CP14a)  5B black imperforated

type I :  15 mm between Coat of arms and Carta Postala
             17,5 mm between Carta Postala and Stamp
type II : 18,5 mm between Coat of arms and Carta Postala
             15 mm between Carta Postala and Stamp)
P15    (CP15)   10B lilac red  (Roumanie)

(CP15a)   10B lilac red,  sheet of 8, separated by perforations
P15    (CP15)   10B lilac red  (Roumanie)
P16    (CP15-2 )  10/10B lilac red  (ROUMANIE)

P16    (CP15-2 )  10/10B lilac red  (ROUMANIE)

16 a and 16b doubles

1882-85  Back of card is creamcoloured   147 x 105 mm

P17   (CP 16)  5B black, pink paper text 46mm, arms to line 9mm
          (CP 16a)                               -//- text 63 mm, arms to line = 15mm  (1885)
P18   (CP 17)  10B red, ochre yellow paper  (imperf or perf 2 or 3 sides)
CP 25  10 B orange, ochre yellow paper
P19  (CP 18)  5/5B black , pink paper text 46mm, arms to line 9mm

         (CP 18a) -//- text 63 mm, arms to line = 15mm  (1885)
P20  (CP 19)  10/10B red, ochre yellow paper (perf or imperf)
  Double cards, perf + imperf

CMR 74 also mentions:
CP 23  10 + 10 B orange, ochre yellow paper
CP 24  10 + 10 B violet red, ochre yellow paper
CP 25  10 B orange, ochre yellow paper  (see P18)
CP 25  10 B violet-red, ochre yellow paper
CP 25  10 B blue, ochre yellow paper
CP 25  10 B black, ochre yellow paper
(these are not mentioned in Michel)
Unissued project: red ovp 10 on CP16 (1885)