Modern minisheets

1941   Transnistra
MS A1      6L brown
MS A2      12 violet gray
MS A3      24L blue
(Prepared, but not put to postal use)
1945   King Carol I Fund
MS 1      20 +180L orange
MS 2      25 +175L greyblue      
MS 3      35 +1650L brown 
MS 4      75 +125L violet
sheet1mic.jpg (8186 bytes)
1945   Marx, Engels, Lenin
MS 5         75 + 425L blue
MS 6        120 + 380L violetbrown
MS 7        155 + 445L carmine
marxengels.jpg (26643 bytes)
1945   PTT
MS8           100L olivebrown
MS9           100L olive
MS10         150L dark brown
MS11         150L carmine
MS12         250L green
MS13         250L blue
MS14         500L purple
1945postman2.jpg (11074 bytes)
1945   Sports perforated
MS15          12 + 188L dark olive
MS 16         16 + 184L ultramarine
MS 17         20 + 180L bluegreen
MS 18         32 + 168L redlilac
MS 19         35 + 165 blue
1945   Sports imperforated
MS 20          12 + 188L redorange
MS 21           16 + 184L violetbrown
MS 22           20 + 180L violet
MS 23            32 + 168L green
MS 24            35 + 165 olive green



sportsheet.jpg (19530 bytes)
1945   Apararea Patriotica grey paper (x) or white paper (y)
MS 25x/y     20 + 580L lilacpink 
MS 26x/y     20 + 580L brown  
MS 27x/y     40 + 560 greygreen
MS 28x/y     40 + 560L blue  
MS 29x/y     55 + 545L dark brown
MS 30x/y     55 + 545L orangered
MS 31x/y     60 + 540L light violet
MS 32x/y     60 + 540L brown
MS 33x/y     80 + 520L lilacrose
MS 34x/y     80 + 520L orangered
MS 35x/y     100 + 500L dark green
MS 36x/y     100 + 500L redbrown
sheetapararea.jpg (8359 bytes)
1946 Philharmonic Orchestra
MS 37          200 + 800L orangered
MS 38          350 + 1650L dark blue


















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1946 Youth organisations
MS 39           10 + 100L sepia/orange
MS 40           10 + 200L greyblue/redbrown
MS 41           80 + 200L brownlilac/sepia
MS 42           80 + 300L redbrown/redviolet
MS 43           200 + 400L greenblue/orangered



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1946 Aeroplanes
MS 44            200L light olive green/blue
MS 45            500L orange red / dark blue-green



46youthair.jpg (9038 bytes)
1946 Sport
MS 46            10L dark blue
MS 47            20L orange red
MS 48            50L dark violet
MS 49            80L dark brown
MS 50           160 + 1340L dark green
MS 51 (air)    300L red  in pair with 300 + 1200L blue
MS 52 (air)    4 x Block 33













sheetsport46.jpg (41108 bytes)1946air.jpg (24858 bytes)
1947 CGM congress
MS 53            200L blue, 300L orange and 600L red
MS 54            1100L ultramarine
MS 55             3000 + 7000L lilacbrown
sheetcgm1.jpg (23275 bytes)
1947   Air
MS 56             15000+15000L greenolive





1947air.jpg (11932 bytes)
1947  1 May
MS57              3000L black
MS58              3000L orange red
MS59              3000L dark green
1947  Air
MS 60             3000+12000L greyblue



47labourday.jpg (9384 bytes)
1947 Apararea Patriotica 3 years
MS 61    1+1L greyblue
MS62     2+2L darkbrown
MS63     3+3L brownred
MS64     4+4L dark ultramarine
MS65     5+5L red
sheet47apararea.jpg (24348 bytes)
1947 CGM
MS 66      11L dark blue/red

47airsheetu.jpg (36282 bytes)
1948 Balcan games Airs
MS 67      7+7L dark violet
MS 68     10+10L dark green
1948  Working Class Youth
MS 69     8+8L lilac carmine






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1948  1 May  Air
MS 70     20 + 20L blue

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1948 Romanian-Soviet Brothers-in-arms
MS 71     3+3L ultramarine
MS 72     5+5L blue









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1948  Arlus
MS 73    20+20L blue
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1948 Sport
MS 74    5+5L dark brown
MS 75    5+5L dark green
MS 76    10+10L red
MS 77    10+10L lilac
MS 78    20+20L greenblue
MS79     20+20L ultramarine




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Modern minisheets

Note: It is sometimes very hard to see the difference between a block and a minisheet. The first Intereuropa sheets are counted as minisheets, the following ones as blocks. Just the way it is. This is a list of sheets regarded as minisheets by Michel.