1989 Revolution
4585  2L  9 of 1989 interrupted at base (r5, c1)
4586  50B  T in campionaTului interrupted at middle,
                   I in italIa cut at top (r3, c5)
4586  50B  U in campionatUlui base right (r3, c1)
4586  50B  black dot in M in Mondial (r4, c1)
4588  2L    line in right players head (r4, c2)
4589  3L    F in Fotbal interrupted at base (r5, c4)
4589  3L    red dot on romanian players leg, over knee (r5, c1)
4590  4L    O in rOmana pinched top right (r4, c3)
4591  5L    (vezi virgul�....50B)
4591  5L    dot after U in manescU (r5, c3)
4591  5L    halo right of danish players head to romanian shoulder (r2, c1)
4594  50B  black dot after L in fotbaL  (r3, c4)
4599  3.50L black dot below L in fotbaL (r4, c1)
Dog exhibition Brno
4603  50B  two red dots at back & thigh of dog (r2, c1)
4604  1L    white dot under dogs (botul) (r3, c1)
4605  1.50L  red dot below dogs ear (r1, c5)
4605  1.50L  O in pOsta detoriated base right (r4, c2)
4606  2L    red dot after A in romanA (r3, c4)
4606  2L    white fluff on dogs (g�tul) (r3, c1)
4606  2L    2 in 2L on lighter background (r4, c1)
4607  3L    first leg of A in romAna cut (r4, c3)
4607  3L    round white patch at dogs right ear (r2, c1)
4607  3L    white patch inside dogs ear (r5,c1)
4608  3.50L first leg of A in romAna detoriated (r2, c1)
4608  3.50L big accent on S in vamaSescu (r1, c3)
4608  3.50L black dot on dogs (g�tul) (r2, c3)
4609  4L    red inside O of rOmana (r1, c5)
4609  4L    black dot on C in Canina (r4, c2)
4610  5L    base part of vertical bar of 5 in 5L cut (r5, c4)
4610  5L    white patch (pe partea st�ng� a fundei) (r4, c1)
4613  50+50B    dot in flag, right top (r2, c5)
4614  1L + 1L    N in romaNia detoriated base right (r5, c5)
4615  1.50+1L    red dot at tower by flag (r1, c3)
4616  2L+1L      dot over R in Revolutia (r1, c1)
4619  4L+1L      black patch in value corner (r3, c4)
4629  50B     Base bow of S in poSta interrupted (r3, c2)
4629  50B     black patch between N+S in coNStantin, base (r2, c3)
4629  50B     coloured line in "flag" of 5 in 50B (r5, c1)
4630  1.50L  S in poSta (vezi 50B)
4630  1.50L  dot on cheek (r3, c3)
4630  1.50L  dot on ear (r3, c2)
4631  2L       S in poSta (vezi 50B)
4631  2L       white ptch over value (r1, c3)
4632  3L       patch between C+O in niCOlae, top (r2, c1)
4633  4L       S in poSta (vezi 50B)
4633  4L       (pete) around value (r3, c5)
4634  5L       S in poSta (vezi 50B)
4629  50B     Stqlnic
4629  50B     dot between U+Z in cantacUZino

1 december - National Day
4635  2L  M in roMana detoriated at top (r5, c2)
Van Gogh
4638  2L    (pete pe t�blia patului,
                   cana din mijloc, de pe mas�) is white instead of blue (r1, c3)
4638  2L    (cana din mijloc, de pe mas�) is white instead of blue (r2, c4)
4638  2L    dot in right towel (r2, c5)
4640  3.50L  green milky patch near fourth tree (r1, c3)
Sea birds
4643  1L  Coloured line in O of POSTA
4649  5L  Coloured dot between two birds (r10, c8)
4651  7L  coloured dot over right wing of flying bird
4652  4L  black dot under red (m�na sf�ntului) (r1, c5)
4653  4.50L  white dot in red sun collector (r5, c2)
Post Horn
4654  4.50L  accent on S in poSta (r2, c2)
4654  4.50L frame open over 4
4670  10L  1 in 10L boxed(?) (c�sut) (r3, c6)
4670  10L  1 in 10L foot prolonged at right (r1, c3)
Philatelic exhibition Riccione 91
4671  4L  slanting line under I in Internationala
                horizontal line on apostrophe �91  (r2, c5)

4671  4L  O in rOmana detoriated at 7 o�clock,
                 bite inside green wing, top (r2, c5)
4671  4L  patch under bird, dot in (coltul marii) (r3, c3)
Philatelic exhibition Romania-China
4672-3  5+5L  cut leg of T in filaTelice
4672-3  5+5L  colour change: vase & flower (r2, c1-2)
Romanian academy
4674  1L  125 DF ANI
Balcanfila 91 Bacau
4676  5+2L  Leg of P in Posta prolonged downwards (r3, c1)
4676  5+2L  First leg of N in romaNia with "bitten" (r5, c8)
4705  25L   Missing tower on casino  (r9, c8)
4711  8L    patch on top of 8 in 8L (r8, c6)
4712  20L    i20L (r10, c8)
University library
4759  8L  second leg of n in romaNa interrupted at top (r9, c1)
4759  8L  patch on top of building (r5, c1)
4760  8L  red dot in face of king ( de l�ng�) Christ  (r1, c1)
4760  8L  horizontal line at third king, one in face, one under elbow (r4, c4)
4760  8L  two horizontal lines under elbow (sf�ntului din stanga sus) (r4, c5)
Olympic Games Albertville
4764  10L  O+M connected by line in rOMania (r3, c3)
Art Gallery "Apollo"
4794  10L  Clartos
4782  90/ 5L   dot after O in rOmanesc (r4, c1)
Chess Olympics Manilla
4799  10L  white dot in margin on top of black square, in emblem (r1, c1)
World Exhibition Sevilla
4821  55L  R in Racheta with apostrophe
4827  55L  missing red colour
4833  10L  0 connected to L at base (in 10L) (r3, c5)
7L Grigore ANIIPA instead of ANTIPA
4833  10L PBIRESCU instead of PETRESCU
New Telephone Numbers
4850 15L   C in telefoniCa detoriated at top (r7, c2)
Destroyed Historical Monuments
4859  10L  Second leg of M in roMana thinner at base (r2, c3)
4861  25L  white dot between legs of R in Romana (r5, c4)
4865 15L  black patch near right cross (r5, c2)
4865  15L  T in pasTi like a cross (r4, c4)
4865  15L  red patch in margin on white background (r1, c2)
Medical Plants
4869  30L  red dot in two fruits at right (r4, c2)
4869  30L  red dot between two first leaves (r5, c2)
4869  30L  red dot over two first fruits
4875     5L  green dot over bird, at middle (r1, c3)
4876   10L  red dot after A in romanA, top (r1, c2)
4877   15L  5 in 15 interrupted (r2, c6)
4878   20L  black dot under P in upuPa (r4, c1)
4879   25L  black dot on chest (r3, c1)
4879   25L  black dot between margin and tree (r3, c10)
4879   25L  red dot under first leg of A in postA (r1, c10)
4880   50L  black dot in O in oriOlus (r2, c2)
4882   90L  white patch on tail (r1, c4)
4882   90L  missing right wall, red dot top of P in Posta (r2, c4)
4882   90L  red dot under A of romanA (r2, c2)
4882   90L  white patch on roofedge, at right (r4, c7)
4882   90L  red dot at top of R in Romana (r2, c4)
4883 160L  second leg of A in postA cut (r3 c7 + r1, c9)
4884 250L  0 in 250L detoriated inside right (r3, c2)
4884 250L  O in rOmana interrupted right (r1, c1)
4884 250L  S in Sturnus detoriated at base (r1, c9)
4884     250L  P&O in POsta interrupted

4887  30L  (pata) at right detoriated (r5, c4)
4887  30L  (pata) cut (r2, c1)
4903  20L  RCMANA (r5, c9)
4905Y  30L  Wm  Orange dot under O in pOsta (r5, c2)
4905Y  30L  Wm  Orange dot in middle of top margin (r6, c2)
4905X  30L  No wm  First leg of R in Romana cut (r7, c3)
4905X  30L  No wm  Red dot over N in romaNa (r4, c5)
Philatelic exhibition Telafila 93 Tel Aviv
4917  535L  white line at right shoulder continues outside of stamp
  Romania part of European Council
4931  1590L  S+L in coNSiliul askew
Marea Unire
4936  Danube Delta and Basarabia in one colour instead of two
(First issue - second issue with correct colours)


Destroyed Historical Buildings
4953  325L   right leg of R in Romana cut (r1, c5 + r2, c5)
Olympic Games Lillehammer
4954  70L  �94 without initial apostrophe (r1, c1)
4960  1590L  4 without leg (as a triangle)
4961  Slanting line from N in romaNa to L in 70L (r3, c4)
Prehistoric Animals
4975  150L  u of parasaUrolophus interrupted at base (r1, c5)
4975  150L  second leg of N in romaNa shorter (r4, c4)
Soccer Championships USA
4493  130L  Light yellow shirt instead of dark yellow (last stamp in sheet)
4994  150L  Dot under L  (r1 c3)
Olympic Comitt�
5001  500L Thin on leg of R  (r1 c5)
Olympic Comitt�
5002  635L  Horn on leg of P
Stamp Day
5004  90+60L  blue dot under T in posTelor (r1, c1)
5004  90+60L  O in natiOnal interrupted at 9 o�clock (r5, c3)
5012  500L  Dot at R in OtRavitoare (on sheet)
Organisation for AirTravel ICAO (OACI) 50 years
5014  350L  OZN red, over aircraft, in middle (r9, c5)
Victory of Gymnasts in Stockholm
5024  150L/ 4.50L   O in rOmaniei interrupted at 9 o�clock
5024  150L/ 4.50L   n  in Campioana interrupted top (r3, c6)
5024  150L/ 4.50L   Correct Campioan� instead of Compioan�
                                 (r1, c2 -10 + r2 - 4, c 1-10)
Victory of Gymnasts in Stockholm
5024  150L/ 4.50L   Stockholm 1994 missing
5024  150L/ 4.50L   Stockholm 1994 inverted
5024  150L/ 4.50L   Romianel & Europear �
Double ovp
5048  60L  red dot over I in cracIun (r5, c2)
Military Decorations
5052  60L  slanting line in continuation of slanting line of R in oRdinul (r2, c2)