We sort these so that plate flaws (same error in identical position in sheet always)
are in the left column. To the right are transient plate flaws, print errors and I don�t knows..

  Coat of arms
1211 1L  N & A in ROMANA united at base
1215 5L  P in RPR missing leg
1215 5L  Coloured dot in sun
  Peace Congress
1237  20L  D in DE LUPTA missing
  Bicycle Racing
1263  11L  Coloured dot in front of first 1 in 11
1263  11L  LE.I courtesy: Radu Eane
All Currency reform flaws - See Special Catalogue  
1390  1.75L  Line between 1 and 7 in 1.75
  Peoples Republic 5 years
1416  55B  Blue colour shifted= small flag
  5 years peace Romania - URSS
1422  55B  BL in REPUBLICA retouched & emptied of colour
  Romanian Popular Art
1432  35B  Coloured dot under O of ROMANA
1432  35B  Circle under first A of ROMANA
1433  55B  Sharp accent on second leg of U in REPUBLICA
  Month of the forests
1439  20B  Light over mountain from left
1440  38B  First tree in wood shifted down
1440  38B  Vertical line in beginning of wood
  Sport aviation
1450  10B  Shifted center courtesy: Radu Eane
1475  55B  Perforation error
1502  10B 0 in 10 interrupted left low
1502  10B  A in BANI missing horizontal line
1503  20B  White vertical line from mouth to forehead
1504  35B  A in POSTA missing horizontal line and T as I
1528  55B  1935 instead of 1955
1529  1L  Blue dot after A in ROMINA
1535  1L    Brown colour shifted upwards
1545  30B  0 in 30 as 3J BANI  (r7, c6)
1545  30B  B in BANI as 30 JANI  (r7, c7)
1547  10B nbsp; accent over N in ROMINA
1550  1.55L  coloured dot over middle line of N in ROMINA
1559  1.75L  WHIFMAN  (r6, c1)
  Counting people
1564 I     1.75L    Inverted centre
  Animals perf
1573  1.75L  grey patch at beak
  Red Cross
1579  55B  Red colour shifted right
1584  White dot over M in roMina
Statues shifted
1586  10B shifted black colour
1608  55B P.ierre
1608  55B smudge on forehead
1609  1L L*EU
1609  1L white dot left of 1
1609  1L white dot at foot of R
1612  2.55L broken frame bottom left
1613  3.25L white line at collar
  Animals imperf
1617  50B  shifted, nose touches BANI
1617  50B  no dot between R+P 
1623  2L    black shifted
1625  4.25L  B in CERB damaged top
1625  4.25L  shifted, horn touches 4.25
1627  55B  White dot on blue wing in right moumtain under tail of plane
Medical congress
1638  1.75L  Red centrepiece shifted upwards
Carpathian Flowers
For the two top values the engraver added an "M" once/sheet -
not an error, rather an added extra type
1653  1.55L  (r9, c4)  1654  1.75L  (r9, c5)
Red Cross
1665  55B  Coloured dot in leg of R in R.P.
Union Congress Leipzig
Mi 1670  55B     Rqmania
1684  1.20 greenblue  (lumen) light or moon under R in CALATOR
Danube Delta Fauna
1690  55B  O in POSTA interupted at base
1690  55B  white "bush" at left
1692  3.30  black shifted
  Grivita strike
1697  1L   (hampa) cut at base
  Romanian writers
1705  1.75L  second 1 of 1821 prolonged at base
1706  1.75L  E in Criteriul broken
1706  1.75L  L in Criteriul with apostrophe
  F.D.I.F.congress in Vienna
1708  55B blue  White patch at margin left top of CONGRES
1708  55B blue  Margin detoriated at middle
1708  55B blue  Margin detoriated at right
1709  10B  white dot under M in MARILE
  Romanian writers
1715 2L    posta*R.P.
1716  2L    PCPULARA
1726  55B  Coloured dot on foot of mushroom
1730  2L  White wedge between e & L at right
National costumes
Note: In this issue shifted colour = normal
I  Girls
1738  35B  O in Oltenia interrupted  (r4, c4)
                   OLTENIAc   (r4, c5)
1746  1L    Last bottom link of ornament interrupted (r7, c1)
1748  1.75L O & L of Moldova united  (r9, c8)
           Coloured comma between 7 & 5 of 1.75 (r6,c7)
National costumes  I  Boys
1739  35B  without white line between ornament & boot (r4,c3)
1747  1L    White horizontal line between LEU & leg interrupted (r9, c9)
1749  1.75L White horizontal line at base missing (r9, c9)
National costumes  I  Girls
1742   50B  T in Transilvania without part of horizontal line
1744   55B  M in Muntenia with left leg missing
1746   1L    White vertical line
                    Missing white horizontal line & line between A & I
                    Missing white horizontal line
1748  1.75L  white dot under base line
                     M in Moldova missing left leg
                     Two coloured dots at base,
                    Brown dot left on yoke 55B Muntcnia
  Third Youth Spartakiad
1760  1L  White dot over L in LEU
  10 years School reform
1761  55B  front leg of R in R.P. detoriated
1765  55B  Darwin: 55.
1765  55B  Darwin: white dot behind neck
1765  55B  Darwin: grey dot on forehead
1768  55B  R.P..
1768  55B  "cloud" in left margin
  Song birds
1787  1L  Vertical bar of L in LEU interrupted
1789  5L  Red colour missing
1791 I  Horizontal line through 0 of 1.60  =  1.68!   (r7, c8)
  23 August 1944
1792 interrupted circle ("carjei" steel mill)
Bl 43 Big pale blue dot from flag to (langa hampa)
Bl 43 Blue vertical line under TRAIASCA 23 AUGUST
Bl 43 Missing red colour
  Overprint on Spartakiad
1793  1L  CEU
  Bucharest 500 years
1799  1.55L  Violet dot between S and T in BUCURESTI
20L dot at 2 in 20
1803  35B  Leg of P of R.P. united with dot (at right)
1806  1L  Pentagonal dot (pe pulpa din fata)
  First atomic icebreaker
1811  1.75L  P in R.P followed by two dots
                     R in R.P followed by two dots
                     two white dots after POSTA
                     two white dots in R of ROMINA
  Stamp Day
1812  1.60L+40B  Oval of R prolonged
1815 I   40B      BAN instead of BANI  (r2, c9)
1818  1L  Missing part of stem at horizontal line (r2, c10)
1816   55B   A & M of CHAMONILLA united