(wikipedia link)
(official website)
(pro Botosani)

where nothing else is noted, images are
courtesy M. Cojocar
botosanisom1.jpg (25969 bytes)


1926 Camera de Agricultura a jud. Botosani  Perf 11 1/2
1L black on red
2L black on green
3L black & green on yellow
4L black & red (shades) on blue
5L black & red on
light blue
1945 Una caramida pentru refacerea Palatului Cultural Botosani
10L black on bluish
193? Camera de Comert Botosani
5L red
40L violet

(as seen the ovp is very different - could we maybe see more examples so as to see if there are different types, or if its normal difference between the values or if one is forged?)
courtesy: Nicolaide Matache


1942  Primaria Com Botosani  Perf 13 1/2
Taxa pentru eliberarea unui certificat, plus costul imprimatului

100+30L black
2000+300 on 100+20L black (1946)
944?  Timbru judutean I  Rough perf 11 1/2
10L green on yellow
20L brown on blue
50L brown on pink
1944?  Timbru judutean II  Rough perf 11 1/2
10L black on yellow
15L black on white
20L black on grey
20L black on pink
20L black on blue
30L black on pink
40L black on pink
40 & 20L black on pink
40Lblack on grey
botosanic.jpg (12729 bytes) 
1945  Comitetul Provizoriu al Orasului Botosani  Rough perf 11 1/2
5 L black
1945(?) Taxa pentru un extract nastere, casatorie, moarte  Rough perf 10
50L black
1945(?) Taxa pentru eliberarea unui certificat  Rough perf 10
50 + 5L black
1948  Taxa pentru eliberarea unui certificat  Rough perf 11 1/2
60 + 6L black